Terms of Use.

Revision AI’s Terms of Use set forth below (“terms”) govern you while on this website and are legally binding on you. If you do not agree with any of the listed conditions, do not access or otherwise use this website or any information contained on this website. Your use of the website shall be deemed to be your agreement to each of the terms set forth below.

By registering this website or submitting any information through this website, you represent and warrant that you have the capacity to understand, agree to and comply with these Terms of Use. You shall provide true, accurate and complete information. All information submitted to or received through this website will equally be treated in accordance with these Terms of Use.

Updated July 27, 2022




Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with our Terms of Use, accessible via the headings below and contact us if you have questions. 

General Use Restrictions

All information, documents, products and services, trademarks, logos, graphics, and images ("Materials") provided on this site are copyrighted or trademarked and are the property of Revision AI Limited (“Revision AI”) and its subsidiaries. Any unauthorized use of any material contained on the site may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and communications statutes.


Revision AI Limited grants you the limited right to display the Materials only on your personal computer for your personal use. You agree not to use the materials for any other purpose without the prior written consent of Revision AI. Without limitation, you agree not to reproduce, re-distribute, sell, publish, broadcast or circulate any information contained in the materials to anyone, including others in the same company or organization. You may not post content from this site to newsgroups, mail lists, or bulletin boards. You acknowledge and agree that, except as set forth herein, you have no right to modify, edit, alter or enhance any of the materials in any manner. This limited license terminates automatically, without notice to you, if you breach any of these terms. Upon termination, you agree to immediately destroy any printed or downloaded materials.


You agree not to "frame" or "mirror" any materials or third-party content contained on this site on any other server or internet-based device without the advanced written permission of Revision AI or its licensors, respectively. This site may be linked to other sites on the Internet which are not under the control of or maintained by Revision AI. Such links do not constitute an endorsement by Revision AI. You acknowledge that Revision AI is providing these links to you only as a convenience, you further agree that Revision AI is not responsible for the content of such sites.


Certain areas of this site are password restricted to authorized users ("Restricted Areas") If you are an authorized user of the Restricted Areas, you agree that you are entirely responsible for the confidentiality of your password and account information, and agree to notify Revision AI immediately if your password is lost, stolen, disclosed to an unauthorized third party, or otherwise may have been compromised. You agree that you are entirely responsible for any and all activities which occur under your account, including any fees which may incur under your password-protected account whether or not you are the individual who undertakes such activities. You agree to immediately notify Revision AI of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security in relation thereof known to you.


You acknowledge that this site may include certain inaccuracies or typographical errors which may affect the quality of materials and third-party content. You acknowledge that the materials or any third-party content have not been independently verified or authenticated in whole or in part by Revision AI, and agree that Revision AI does not warrant the accuracy or timeliness of materials or the third-party content, and further agree that Revision AI has no liability for any omissions in the materials and content, whether provided by Revision AI or any third-party.

No person other than you and us will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these Terms of Use. Revision AI Limited reserves the right to suspend, vary or terminate the services offered at any time and amend the Terms of Use from time to time. In the case of any disputes, Revision AI Limited reserves the right to the final decision.


General Disclaimer

Services and Materials are intended only for Revision AI’s customers and are provided only for your convenience. Revision AI grants you no license or property rights to any such Services and Materials. Revision AI does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of Services and Materials and other items contained on this server or any other server. Therefore, you are not to rely on any Services and Materials provided on this site unless we expressly advise you in writing that you can. 


The service and materials are provided by Revision AI on an as-is basis and for general reference only, and Revision AI expressly disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to any service or materials. In particular, we do not make any express or implied warranty as to the accuracy, fitness for a particular purpose, non-infringement, reliability, security, timeliness or freedom from computer viruses in relation to such contents. We shall not be liable for any errors in, omissions from, or misstatements or misrepresentations (whether express or implied) concerning any such information, and shall not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss, destruction or damage (including but not limited to consequential loss, destruction or damage) howsoever arising from or in respect of any use or misuse of or reliance on any information from this website, or the inability to use this website, and without having to offer any reason or notice delete or edit such information at any time, without prior notice.


Limitation of Liability

To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, Revision AI shall not be liable to you or a third-party claiming through you for any damage suffered as a result of your displaying, copying or downloading information or material contained on this site. In no event shall Revision AI be liable to you or any third-party for any indirect, extraordinary, exemplary, punitive, special incidental or consequential damages (including loss of data, revenue, profits or other economic advantages) however arising, whether for breach or in tort even if Revision AI has previously advised of the possibility of such possible damage.

I agree to allow Revision AI Limited, irrevocable use of information provided by the user on the website, to be used on the website. The contact us form is one example of the information provided by the user. Information includes but is not limited to text, hyperlinks and images.


Applicable Law

These Terms of Use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China. If you use this site from outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, you are entirely responsible for compliance with applicable local laws, including but not limited to the export and import laws of other countries in relation to the materials and third-party content.

The parties irrevocably agree that the courts of Ho Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China shall have exclusive jurisdiction. A person who is not a party to these Terms of Use has no right to enforce any terms of this Agreement under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap. 623).

If any term(s) of these Terms of Use is declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the illegality, invalidity or unenforceability of such term(s) shall not affect the legality, validity and enforceability of any other terms of these Terms of Use, and shall continue to be valid. All interpretations of these Terms of Use shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of Revision AI.



You agree to indemnify and hold Revision AI, its officers, directors, shareholders, predecessors, successors in interest, employees, agents, subsidiaries and affiliates, harmless from any demands, loss, liability, claims or expenses (including attorneys’ fees), made against Revision AI by any third party due to or arising out of or in connection with your use of the Site.

Violation of Terms of This Site

If you violate the terms of this site, Revision AI reserves the right to terminate service to you without further notice or explanation. Revision AI’s preferred course of action is to advise you of your inappropriate behaviour and advise you of any corrective action. However, flagrant violations of these Terms as determined by Revision AI in its sole discretion will result in immediate termination of service.


You agree that Revision AI and its licensors may make improvements and/or changes in the services and prices described in this site, if any, at any time without notice, and further agree that Revision AI can revise these Terms at any time without notice by updating this posting. Your continued use of the site after such modifications have been made constitutes your acceptance of such revised Terms.


Any action related to these Terms will be governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, without regard to the choice or conflicts of law provisions of any jurisdiction. You agree to the jurisdiction of the courts located in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China for the resolution of all disputes arising from or related to these Terms and/or your use of the site.


The failure of Revision AI to enforce any right or provision in these Terms shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision unless acknowledged and agreed to by Revision AI in writing. The Terms comprise the entire agreement between you and Revision AI and supersede all prior or contemporaneous negotiations, discussions or agreements, if any, between the parties regarding the subject matter contained herein. Your use of the Site, however, is subject to the additional disclaimers and caveats that may appear throughout the site. 

Privacy Policy

Our Privacy Policy shall apply to any personal data which is voluntarily submitted by you when registering and/or using this website to confirm service. Such personal data collected from you will be used for processing your account and following up on your confirmed service and for other directly related purposes. You can subsequently change your personal data.


Please refer to our Privacy Policy on our website (which forms part of these Terms of Use) in order to understand how we collect or use your personal information.


Intellectual Property

"Revision AI", "RevisionAI.com" and other relevant figures are trademarks of Revision AI Limited. The unauthorized use or duplication of these marks is strictly prohibited by law.


All contents of this website are protected by copyright, trademark and other intellectual property rights owned or controlled by us and/or our affiliated companies. This website is intended only for personal use. Before you obtain our prior written consent, you shall not copy, reproduce, upload, download, transmit, modify, alter, decompile, reverse engineer, decode, resell or distribute the contents of this website or any part thereof, or for any other purpose.


Contact Us

In case you have any questions about these Terms of Use, please contact us via email at: termsofuse@revisionai.com.